
Scripts processing and bundling is provided out-of-the-box with WebPack.

YASSB comes with a predefined configuration for WebPack. You can override it and provide your own in the configuration.

By default, YASSB processes ./src/app/scripts/main.ts and saves the final file in ./out/assets/js/[name]-[version].min.js.

The value for [version] is retrieved from package.json. Note that you don't have to manually insert the link to the script in your pages. You can insert it automatically with the include-script-src directive.

The input file and the output folder can be customized in the configuration. You can customize both or only one of them.

Example of a custom definition of the input file and of the destination folder in config/default.ts:

export default {
  workingDir: {
    scripts: 'custom-dir/scripts.js', // It must be a relative path to the `app` folder
    scriptsOutFolder: 'scripts' // relative path to the `out` folder

} as YassbConfig

In this example the entry point for WebPack will be ./src/app/custom-dir/scripts.js and the destination folder out/scripts.

Note how in the example above the entry point is a JavaScript file. With the default WebPack configuration you can either provide a TypeScript or JavaScript entry point, including JSX and TSX files.

Custom WebPack configuration

You can define a custom WebPack configuration. You can do so in YASSB configuration.

Example custom configuration of WebPack in config/default.ts:

export default {
  webpackConfig: {
    entry: {
      file: 'your-entry-point.ts'
    resolve: {
      extensions: ['.ts', 'tsx', '.js', 'jsx']
    target: 'web',
    node: {
      __dirname: true
    output: {
      path: 'your-out-dir/[name].js',
    module: {
      rules: [
          test: /\.ts$/,
          loader: 'ts-loader'
          test: /\.js$/,
          loader: 'awesome-typescript-loader'
    mode: 'development'
} as YassbConfig