Quick start


npm i -g yassb-web


yarn global add yassb-web

Create a new project

yassb new myStaticWebSite


cd myStaticWebSite

Build the project into a static web site

yassb build


yassb watch // w/ live reloading!

build: production-ready build of the website

YASSB generates the full website with compressed html and minified js and css. All additional static assets are also copied to the out folder.

For the options that can be passed to YASSB see configuration.

watch: website development

YASSB builds all the files in your project and watches for any changes. On each change, YASSB recompiles the project. To save time, only assets that need to be recompiled are processed.

While in watch mode, the processed website is served on http://localhost:[PORT]. By default port 3000 is used, unless a custom value is provided under devServerPort in the configuration.

For the full list of options that can be passed to YASSB see the configuration.

Serving on localhost

The serve command is also available to serve the website locally without recompiling it:

yassb serve

This will launch the server on http://localhost:[PORT]. By default port 3000 is used, unless a custom value is provided under devServerPort in the configuration.

Please note that the server is very limited and should not be used as-is in production.