Post processors

Post processors are custom functions that can be added in the configuration to tackle the last details before the build finishes.

If a post processor is added to the build process, it will be run for every page of the website, so they should only be used when truly necessary.

Because post processors are executed before the build ends, they still have access to the full Front Matter data of each file they process.

Defining post processors

Post processors are JavaScript or TypeScript function (including JSX and TSX) of type PostProcessor.

Post processor receive one argument, a string representing the whole content of the file being processed. They must return the full string, modified as needed.


function myCustomPostProcessor(fileCont: string): string {
  return fileCont.replace('good', 'awesome');

Adding post processors

To add post processors in the configuration push them to the postProcessors Array.

All post post processors will be executedin the order in which they appear in the Array.


module.exports {
  postProcessors: [