generate-from-files directive

Used to generate new HTML pages based on an HTML template, for the page structure, and MarkDown/TXT files, for the contents.

The templates must be placed in pages-to-generate, e.g.:


Templates can contain only one generate-from-files directive, but they can also contain any number of any other directive. The generate-from-files directive should be placed where the contents of the MarkDown file, parsed as HTML, should be placed.


  <!-- component="head.html" -->"
  <!-- component="header.html" -->"
    <!-- generate-from-files="C:/my-posts/" -->
    // OR
    <!-- generate-from-files="my-posts" --> // resolve to `app/my-posts`
  <!-- component="footer.html" -->"

The path passed to generate-from-files can be

  • absolute: anywhere on disk where YASSB can read files;
  • relative: in this case it will be resolved as a child dir of the app folder of you project.

For each .md file found in the destination folder, a new HTML page will be created with the contents of the .md | .txt file. The folder is analysed recourively.

The generated HTML files will be placed in out resolving the relative path both of the template and of the .md | .txt file:

  • for the template, the path is relative to the pages-to-generate dir. So for src/app/pages-to-generate/blog/basic-post.template.html the relative path is blog;
  • for the template, the path is relative to the path passed to the directive dir. So if under C:/my-posts/ there is a folder 2020 and a file (full path C:/my-posts/2020/, the relative path is 2020;

In this example, the generated file will be /blog/2020/hello-world.html.