Custom renderers

Custom renderers are functions that elaborate a given data source and produce the HTML.

Because YASSB supports both JS and TS, your functions can be in either language.

Custom renderers should be of type Renderer should expect one argument, which is an object with the following properties:

  • currentFilePath: the full path of the file benig processed. This will be a subdirectory of the out folder;
  • source: an Array of elements as defined in the directive (e.g. the content of the JSON file to which the directive points to);
  • config: the full configuration object;
  • options: the options passed in the directive via options="...";
  • frontMatterStore: the full Front Matter data store, see Front Matter;
  • lang: if i18n is enabled, the code of the current language (e.g. en).

Adding custom renderers

You can set custom renderers by adding them to the Array passed to the property customRenderers in the configuration.


// config/default.js

module.exports {
  customRenderers: [myCustomRenderer]

Rendering HTML in JSX/TSX files with renderToStaticMarkup

Additionally you can provide JSX or TSX renderers, provided that they do return valid HTML code. The preferred method to do so would be to render the elements with renderToStaticMarkup from react-dom/server.

Example of a renderer in TSX to produce a list of links to be used with the public-file-list directive:

import { 
} from '@yassb/yassb';
import React from 'react';
import { renderToStaticMarkup } from 'react-dom/server';

function getTitleFromContent(absolutePath: string): string { 
  // Because Front Matter data, is set, is available in each HTML file,
  // the title could be retrieved from there. Or any other logic.

export const exampleWithReact: Renderer = 
  ({ source, lang, options }: RendererProps<Array<FilePathsForPublicFileList>>): string => {
    const li = [];
    source.forEach(filePaths => {
      const fileTitle = getTitleFromContent(filePaths.absolutePath);
      const attr = { href: filePaths.absoluteUrl };
      li.push(<li><a {...attr}>{fileTitle}!</a></li>);
    return renderToStaticMarkup(<ul></ul>);

If you want to use TypeScript, JSX or TSX, remember to add all the neded dependencies in package.json of your project.