
Styles processing and bundling is currently provided out-of-the-box with node-sass. You can also entirely overwrite the built-in process and bring you own styles processor in YASSB configuration.

By default, YASSB processes ./src/app/styles/styles.scss and saves the final file in ./out/assets/css/[name]-[version].min.js.

The value for [version] is retrieved from package.json. Note that you don't have to manually insert the link to the stylesheet in your pages. You can insert it automatically with the include-styles-src directive.

The input file and the output folder can be customized in the configuration. You can customize both or only one of them.

Example of a custom definition of the input file and of the destination folder in config/default.ts:

export default {
  workingDir: {
    styles: 'custom-dir/styles.scss', // It must be a relative path to the `app` folder
    stylesOutFolder: 'my-styles' // relative path to the `out` folder
} as YassbConfig

In this example the entry point for WebPack will be ./src/app/custom-dir/styles.scss and the destination folder out/my-styles.

Example using Bootstrap

Building your own Bootsrap minified stylesheet is very simple.

You simply need to import in your styles.scss the stylesheets you need from Bootstrap:

// src/app/styles/styles.scss or any other custom file defined in configuration

@charset 'UTF-8';

// Bootstrap & Variables
@import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/functions";
@import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/variables";
@import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/variables";
@import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins";
@import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/tooltip";
@import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/popover";
@import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/carousel";
@import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/spinners";
@import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/utilities";

YASSB will automatically process all styles and place them in a versioned an minified css file in the stylesOutFolder folder.

Custom Styles Parsers

You can alternatively define a custom style processor in YASSB configuration.

A custom style parsers is a JavaScript or TypeScript function of type CustomStylesParser that returns the full css, synchronously or as a Promise:

  absolutePathToFile: string,
  relativePathToOrigin: string, 
  relativePathToDestination: string
) => Promise<string | Buffer> | string | Buffer;


  • absolutePathToFile is the full path to the source style.
  • relativePathToOrigin is the path to the styles relative to the root folder of the project.
  • relativePathToDestination is the output folder, relative to the root folder of the project.

Custom parsers do not need to save to disk the parsed css. YASSB will take care of that.

Example using TailwindCSS

To use a custom styles parser we first need to define it.

The file where we define the custom parser can be located anywhere in the project:

// src/app/plugins/my-custom-styles-parser-for-tailwind-css.ts

import autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import postcss from 'postcss';
import tailwindcss from 'tailwindcss';

export const myCustomStylesParserForTailwindCSS =
 async (pathToCssFile, from, to): Promise<string> => {
    const css = readFileSync(pathToCssFile)
    const result = await postcss([tailwindcss, autoprefixer])
                        .process(css, { from, to, map: false });
    return result.css;

Then we simply need to add it to our configuration in config/default.ts:

export default {
  stylesParser: myCustomStylesParserForTailwindCSS
} as YassbConfig

That's it. YASSB will now use our custom parser during styles processing!