component directive

The most basic YASSB directive is the component directive.

<!-- component="[path-to-a-file]" -->

YASSB will analize the value passed as [path-to-a-file] and will replace the line where the directive was found in the file being processed with the contents of that file.

The path can be

  • absolute: anywhere on disk where YASSB can read files;
  • relative: in this case it will be resolved as a child dir of the components folder of you project.

Supported file formats are: .html, .htm, .txt, .svg, .md.


  <!-- component="head.html" -->"
  <!-- component="header.html" -->"
    Hello World
  <!-- component="footer.html" -->"

The file header.html in components might look like this:

  <!-- component="image-components/logo.svg" -->      // You can create subfolders in `components`
  <a href="/">Home</a>
  <a href="/about.html">About</a>

Note how the image logo.svg is a YASSB directive. Because YASSB directives are recoursive, YASSB will inject the content of the svg image (or anything the directive points to) into the final rendered page. So every page where we inject the header will also have the logo. This works for infinite levels of recursion, so you can nest how many files as you need.

The string for [path-to-a-file] can contain the wildcard LANG at any point in the string. In that case YASSB will replace LANG with the language code (e.g. en, see Internationalization (i18n). So, for a website supporting both en and es, components/LANG/footer.html will inject the component, respectively, found in components/en/footer.html and components/es/footer.html.