Creates an instance of directives invoker and calls super
on YassbBaseDirective
to assigne args properties to the protected properies.
Full config options
Object to store any Front Matter data processed by each the directive
Directive full string found in the file
File contents there the yassb directive was found
Full path to the file being processed
Lang being processed
Checks if directive has a rege and, if so, checks if the directive is found in the file being processed.
the not yet constructed directive object with the static property reges
Do invokes the directive if there are any matches.
the full string, with decorators, of the matched directive.
the not yet contructed directive object.
Elaborates the directive response by updating the file contents and adding Front Matter data to the data store.
the new contents of the file after the directive has been executed.
any Front Matter data found in the file, to be stored so it's passed to DirectivesParser and saved on the file for later use.
Inits directives invoker by looping with forEach
on an Array
where built-in and custom directives are merged.
Invokes built-in and custom directives in the order they are found in the respective