Creates an instance of suggest best match.
the URL fragment provided in the directive.
the full list of the URLs of the website gotten from the sitemap.
the full list of the URLs of the website gotten from the sitemap.
The best match for the URL fragment provided as found by method findBestMatch
of string-similarity
Best match in form of absolute URL from the target value.
The tip text to display in console.
the URL fragment provided in the directive.
Formats the final text to display in console.
Finds the best match and returns the tip text to display in console.
the tip text.
Finds the best match for the given URL matching in the Array of URLs from the sitemap.
Removes the fake host from the URL. If the URL contains the real host provided in configuration, it is left in the tip text.
Suggest the best match for the provided URL fragment if no exact match has been found