Builds the whole website
Dev server for watch mode. Do not use as it is in production!
used to determine the out folder.
the fucntion that actually watches for changes and invokes the build process.
Makes a copy of all static assets to the out dir.
Processes all files in the out
the full YASSB configuration Object.
Processes the TS/JS assets to generate the minified JS file of the website (if any).
Processes the CSS/SCSS to generate the minified CSS file of the website (if any).
Generates pages from texts sources for any template of the project.
the full YASSB configuration Object.
Posts processing. Awaits all the promises returned for each file processed.
the full YASSB configuration Object
whether or not we are in watch mode, to avoid unnecessary steps during development.
Wrapper for the watch function. First starts the server and passes the listener as a callback function.
Constant to store the connection to the browser in watch mode to exchange messages. The connection is stored on a Object static contant of this module so that it can be easily accessed by the watch
function without passing arguments.
Code fragment use to make the client listen for changes to the code in watch mode. Formatted as a string and not code for easier injection in HTML.